Recover, Renew, and Reconnect Through the Power of the ‘Third Mind’​

Sylvia Henderson
4 min readJan 20, 2022


I presented an educational session at the worldwide 2021 Power Conference titled “Power of the ‘Third Mind’ for Recovery, Renewal, and Reconnection”. Feedback I received is that the topic warrants further exposure so that more business owners and entrepreneurs can benefit. So here we go!

Since one of our foundational offerings at MindTeam Solutions is creating and facilitating internal masterminds we’ve branded Idea MindTeamsⓇ. I based guidance for recovery, renewal, and reconnection on the concept of mastermind groups. If you are unfamiliar with mastermind groups, they are small peer groups, structured and facilitated to solve issues, implement ideas, and engage employees at all levels of organizations or enable entrepreneurs and business owners to work through issues and goals outside of their own individual bubbles. We deep-dive into this concept and service in our book, “Internal Masterminds: How Smart Talent Leaders Create Engagement and Pivot Organizational Culture” available at

Let me step back for a few moments from Idea MindTeamsⓇ to specific considerations for recovery and renewal. Then I will bring in the reconnect component and tie it to the power of the ‘third mind’.

Josh and I both write about and speak on how we, as business owners and organizational leaders, continually face and work through change whether as a result of global pandemics, economic conditions, forces of nature, or simply time passing with generational evolution. The process of “recovery” is ongoing. The timing of my presentation and of this Leadership Letter places recovery at our emergence from the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, consider making decisions about, and implementing procedures for recovery that include:

  • How you create equity for hybrid, virtual, and in-person work environments
  • Expenses saved / reallocated due to disruptions and reconfigurations
  • What new investments in technology and tools may be required
  • Realizing “old” pre-2020 ways of thinking and operating may no longer serve you
  • Releasing people, groups, and commitments that do not advance your forward movement
  • Identifying new collaborations, revenue streams, and financing options that may not have existed prior to recovery time
  • Being open to Innovations and alterations to your systems, strategies, and services
  • Creating new systems, processes, and bringing on new people to support your next steps
  • Maintaining a mindset that appreciates and encourages change.

Renewal considerations include:

  • Building more of what serves you well
  • Do more of what works for you and your business
  • Maintaining the core values that anchor you
  • Enhancing the systems, procedures, and staff competencies in order to scale and grow
  • Revisit past ideas to determine if any can now apply to new times
  • Learn new techniques that support the changes you experience

Now comes the reconnect component. Connection puts into practice and makes real the power of the ‘third mind’. Napoleon Hill, in his seminal book “Think and Grow Rich”, summarizes the third mind in his quotation -

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

~ Napoleon Hill

This, by definition, represents connection. During disruptive periods in our lives and businesses, we tend to disconnect from our external support systems and retreat inward within ourselves and our own organizations to try to figure out how to move forward. Leaders cannot operate effectively within isolated bubbles. We need other people with diverse thoughts, perspectives, experiences, and capabilities to help us be effective. After major disruption to our lives and work, we find ourselves needing to reconnect in ways we may not expect or consciously consider. Considerations for reconnecting may include:

  • Determining which supports — networks, groups, and other of our systems — are still valid and can be of service to our goals, as well as whom we can still serve and support
  • Retaining and refining existing and in-process clients and prospects
  • Deciding whether to return to past connections based on whether our goals and mindsets are still in alignment with each other
  • Reaching out to and establishing new connections with colleagues and engaging in new collaborations

We created this Infographic as a comprehensive reference that summarizes the recovery, renewal, and reconnection considerations described above. Keep it handy as you continue to experience these phases of change and growth as you lead your organization to future successes. Our gift to you is a PRINTABLE COPY YOU CAN DOWNLOAD HERE.

If you need to invoke the power of the third mind with skilled ideation experts and facilitators, we invite you to have a conversation with us at MindTeam Solutions Inc. about how we can help you and your executive, leadership, and staff teams recover, renew, and reconnect to meet your vision and goals.



Sylvia Henderson

Leadership & facilitation expert…helping organizations respond to & embrace ever-changing workplaces where people & profits prosper. https://SylviaHenderson